So I have been doing a lot of writing in the last month {and some art too!} I have been digging deep within myself and it is clearly reflected and understood in all the bits of writing that I have been squirreling away in notebooks and in the snippets I keep on Evernote. I have been spinning my wheels in sharing it all, partly because I think I have been a little tender about it and partly because I have been busy making up crazy rules with myself about how and when I should share in this space. I now realize that this is ridiculous and a super nutty thing for me to be doing to myself. I have finally come to the conclusion, with a little help from my behind the scenes support squad, that I should just free myself of these rules and let it go. Let it flow… So now today I am done with all that. No more… I am taking a big leap here… so get ready for a succession of 4 posts from me over the next day to catch you all up. {I hope I am ready}