Summer is fully here now. I have spent the last two weeks taking the time to soak up my children while they are on break before their camp season begins. We’ve made ice pops (here’s the recipe book), gone swimming at my mom’s house, been to a Yankee’s baseball game, watched this movie (Pele), and generally had a fun and silly time together. I am still moving at a slow pace but I know these are just the first few laps. I have to tell you am excited for the great summer ahead and the fall too. Soon my pace will increase because my calendar is filling up with several exciting events, like…
…you know when you meet someone and it’s as if you are meeting a dear friend that you haven’t seen in many years? That’s the kind of weekend I recently had with my friend Ria Sharon, who also happens to be an incredible and talented artist. We have been friends through social media for several years but not yet met in person. After talking about it for a very long while, we finally put things into motion and she came out to visit me @thenest.
I can’t tell how much I enjoy connecting with my “internet” friends in person. There is nothing like it. It’s always like coming upon a long lost friend. It’s so healing for my heart to create and share with members of my tribe, kindreds, another who is also living a true creative life. It is such an extradonary experience and I have made so many wonderful friends this way. So before Ria said let’s really make this happen, I was already on board.
Ria booked her ticket and we put the date in our calendar and we were set. I could hardly wait. The weeks went by and before you know it she was with me in my kitchen as we sipped tea and talked. But talking wasn’t the only thing we spent our time doing. We ate, got caught up on things and I showed her all the magic that is here @thenest. We created together and we played with clay. {Why I thought otherwise initially was simply silly of me. lol!} As we spent time together we also sowed the seeds for a magical weekend retreat. We sat together and dreamed up some sweet delicious loveliness – more than enough to fill a weekend – and we both agreeded we wanted to share it …perhaps with you!
I am beyond excited to share with you that Ria and I will be hosting an intimate weekend retreat we are calling “Magic in the Making: A Weekend of Nurturing Your Creative Soul“. It’s all happening Sept 30-Oct 2 and I hope you’ll consider joining us. We are limiting attendance to 6 people only so that this time and space can truly provide the deep personal nurturing we all need but so rarely get. If you are interested you can read more about it. Register here on Ria’s site. I look forward to connecting with you @thenest!