Embrace creativity in everyday moments with clay,
photos, words, paint and thread
Our Blog
The Real Me. . .
I am getting to the heart of it. I am becoming more of who I should have always been. I am...
The Edge
Today, as I write this, I have butterflies in my stomach and a queasiness akin to stage fright,...
What I discovered. . .
As part of my weekly exercise routine 10 years ago or more I began practicing yoga. In the...
And I made a big cup. . .
...and I made a big cup. It was a big cup of tea and I thought, and thought. I collected these...
Are you ready?
So I have been doing a lot of writing in the last month {and some art too!} I have been...
How a year can change things. . .
It's been a year since I started sharing here again and I can hardly believe it. I want to thank...
Panning for Creative Gold
The last couple of weeks have been frenzied and mostly devoted to family. My creavity has been...
Confessions of a Perfectionist
I am guilty as charged. I courageously stand up and say yes I am a perfectionist soon to be a...
Dear February
Dear February, I can't believe you're here already with your cold and sparkly days. Cascading...
The sign was right there in the road.
I am a little slow with this post but for good reason. 😉 The holidays are just a crazy time of...
I am like her. . .
This time of year has many people flooded with memories of the past. It's a time when past and...
Sandy, the uninvited house guest
I had intended to post in the beginning of the month, but then I got tied up...
Out with the old and in with….
Life is nothing if not surprising! Today I awoke and knew, the crisp wind and the russeling...
Pencil drawings and photography
Some times there is only enough time to do some pencil drawings, snap some photos or just store...
One Lovely Blog Award
A couple of days ago Michelle gd over at A Way of Being nominated me for the One Lovely...
Special and exotic…
Blogging has been a bit of a leap for me. (My post today has been inspired by my friend, Michelle....
We’ve moved…NOT!
This past year we had a bumpy time. To start with, we almost moved to California for mister's job....
News from the Nest
So I have finally decided to do a blog. I have been hesitant about it but I think you will all...
Day 56: Hi Ho, Hi Ho
Snakes on a Plane is not nearly as terrifying as Toddlers on a Plane! A 17 hour flight from...
Day 43: Time to Say Good Bye
One day later than expected but we are leaving today! Unfortunately we didn’t know when we were...
Days 34-41: Special Guest Blogger
Hello again all. We are back from our trip to Chitwan Animal Preserve and had a great time. For...
Days 29-33: Let’s Get Ready to Travel!
Happy New Year - sorry for the delayed blog updates but the internet was turned off for...
Days 19-25: Happy Holidays
More of the same from Kathmandu. In the last five days we have gotten Sandeep’s travel documents...
Days 15-18: Going to the Zoo
Ok, so a lot has happened in the last few days. Apart from getting fed up with our accommodations,...