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Soul Gardening

by | May 19, 2015 | News from the Nest | 0 comments


watercolor flowersInstead of planting seeds in the ground she plants them in her heart.

Instead of weeding out the flowerbeds she weeds out thoughts of others from her head.

She untangles, clips back and removes vines of doubt and mistrust. She composts anger into love.

She works hard to make a graceful garden of her soul where love, beauty and happiness live so she can share her bounty with the world.

She is a soul Gardner. Planting seeds of love in her heart and growing her soul so she can be her truest self.



I’ve been having the toughest time coming up with a new post in the last two months. I have started and stopped a million times both on paper, in my head and on the iPad. Life has been moving at an incredible pace. Almost to the point where I don’t feel like I have even a moment to catch my breath and really none of it is all that very new. I know I’ve written about it before. The truth of the matter is I have been very busy gardening my soul. I have definitely come around and made yet another circle in my life and can see and feel new things emerging. Right now I am at the beginning once again, A gardner sitting at the entrance to her garden admiring the freshly planted garden with rich black soil holding all the seedlings waiting and watching for them to grow, making sure that everything gets watered and hoping for plenty of light. I can feel things are beginning to take root but it’s going to be a while before what’s exactly coming next makes itself evident to me. In the meantime, I continue to do my two step dance of motherhood and artist.

Motherhood and family life have been particularly challenging lately. As most of you know I adopted my children from Nepal 8 years ago and we still keep very strong ties there with friends that are like family to us. So with the devastating earthquakes that have been happening there now, we have been very busy trying to help by raising money for my children’s first home. If you are interested in reading more about it, here is an article that was written about us and posted on the Yahoo parenting page.

All of us have been affected and I am treading lightly with tenderhearted children and navigating as always in unchartered territory. It’s certainly caused normal daily life not to feel so normal. Juggling that along with also entering the frenzied stretch of the year where school is coming to an end and summer is just beginning with all the extra activities that come along, has really put a damper on my creative flow. I have been finding that lots of photography and paint are especially helpful right now. fawn in grass

Speaking of creative flow… I also want to mention that about two weeks ago I was interviewed by the wonderful Ria Sharon for her Artist Sketch project that she is doing over on her blog. In the interview I share a little bit about my creative process. If you’d like to read about that you can visit here.

My creative process has not been interrupted like this in quite a while but even that is a lesson in flow. Right?! The universe is presenting me with challenges and so much good all at once. So really being the gardner who is watching her garden grow right now is suiting me just fine. I have not hit complete radio silence from all my muses, so I know it won’t be long before the seeds grow into nice green plants with juicy jewels of goodness to share with everyone. I’ll be back when my seeds have grown into bigger plants reaching out to the light.