by Alisha | Jan 10, 2017 | News from the Nest
Gazing out my dining room window at the sunrise this morning. I am finally really sinking into this new year, and I must share. Things are going to be looking different around these parts…. It’s time for something new. It’s time for a metamorphosis...
by Alisha | Jun 24, 2016 | News from the Nest
Summer is fully here now. I have spent the last two weeks taking the time to soak up my children while they are on break before their camp season begins. We’ve made ice pops (here’s the recipe book), gone swimming at my mom’s house, been to a...
by Alisha | Jan 10, 2016 | News from the Nest
So I been dancing around so very much in these last couple of months, mostly all good things but some very hard. Sometimes it takes me a while to share here. Most of the time my writing comes in very small fragments. If I don’t pay attention, I end up realizing...
by Alisha | May 19, 2015 | News from the Nest
Instead of planting seeds in the ground she plants them in her heart. Instead of weeding out the flowerbeds she weeds out thoughts of others from her head. She untangles, clips back and removes vines of doubt and mistrust. She composts anger into love. She...
by Alisha | Feb 28, 2015 | News from the Nest
There has been a lot of small stuff to take in and be grateful for this month. In the beginning of the month, my husband gifted me a beautiful refurbished chair, that according to the upholsterer dates back to the 1920s. {Oh wow! Super cool, We both thought!}. My...