by Alisha | Jan 10, 2016 | News from the Nest
So I been dancing around so very much in these last couple of months, mostly all good things but some very hard. Sometimes it takes me a while to share here. Most of the time my writing comes in very small fragments. If I don’t pay attention, I end up realizing...
by Alisha | May 19, 2015 | News from the Nest
Instead of planting seeds in the ground she plants them in her heart. Instead of weeding out the flowerbeds she weeds out thoughts of others from her head. She untangles, clips back and removes vines of doubt and mistrust. She composts anger into love. She...
by Alisha | Sep 26, 2014 | News from the Nest
My heart is telling me stories today. I am listening closely. I sit in a nice patch of sun on my porch wrapped in a woolly blanket as I write this. I have a warm cup of tea beside me and a kitty companion under the chair close by. I hear the chirping of the birds in...
by Alisha | Mar 30, 2014 | News from the Nest
I feel like I am bumping along a rocky road Inspiration coming slow In dribs and drabs In tiny burstsI In seconds lost But not besmirched I’m rolling in the in between, The uncomfortable but not unseen I’m here! I’m here! Feeling lots and...
by Alisha | Jun 10, 2013 | News from the Nest
I am getting to the heart of it. I am becoming more of who I should have always been. I am slowly loving myself day by day and see that the more I do the more I will fully become who I have always desperately needed and wanted to be. I am the girl who tells it...